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Emotional Healing Guided Meditation

In moments of stress, worry, anxiety and highly charged emotions, we are literally hijacked by a part of our brain that steps into the driving seat and sets the governing ‘state of mind’. We become the emotion. Meditation and mindfulness practices enable us to ‘step out of’ the emotional hijack. They allow a different part of our brain to take the driving seat and enable us to move towards a state of equilibrium, calm and clarity. 

Before we rush to ‘fix’ or change our emotions, a powerful and healing approach is first to acknowledge the emotions and even honour them; gently turning towards them and recognising them for what they are. All our emotions serve a purpose, even those which feel challenging and unwanted.

In this emotional healing guided meditation, you will be guided safely to work on the emotions or body sensations that you wish to work on. To acknowledge them, to put them in perspective and even to know there can be valuable personal growth from these highly charged emotions - without getting overtaken, hijacked and overwhelmed by them.

Max 30 pax, Min 6 pax

Shirley, co-founder of ReDefine Wellness, is a Wellness Consultant, Life Coach, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. She has coached a significant number of people on the art of self-awakening and realization, helping them achieve physical, emotional and mental well being and to realize their full human potential.

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