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Restorative Sound Journey - From Mud to Lotus

A session to revitalise your wellbeing and integrate deeper aspects of yourself through sound healing, guided meditation, movement and breathwork.

Uncover deeper inner experiences and facets of the hidden self in Theta state, embracing both pleasant and unpleasant with compassion - journeying through your mud into light.

We will be using breathwork, vocalisations, yogic & rhythmic movements to release physical and emotional knots before receiving the full multi-layered sound journey in Shavasana.

You will be bathed gently and deeply in a multi-instrument sound journey enhanced by meditative electronic soundscapes, to fully release and hold your entire being.

Grounding with singing bowls, binaural frequencies, deep synths & shamanic sounds, we progress to the lighter heart sounds of Harp, Rav and other melodic sounds - as we allow the inner compass, inner lotus to bloom at its own pace.

Min 6 pax, Max 14 pax

Sek Sheng, also known by his artist name ‘Dr Foo’, is a sound meditation facilitator, musician and DJ who holds space and prescribes music for healing and integration of deeper aspects of the self. He has immersed in and been trained in sound healing, yoga, meditation and music production in an ever evolving journey in the past 10 years.

Dr Foo believes that sound is a universal language that can re-awaken our innate power and connection with all, and serve as a fun yet sacred medium for healing and understanding.

His journeys emphasise the importance of owning our darkness before true healing and expansion can occur.  His sound healing journeys interweave live therapeutic instruments (singing bowls, harp, melodic drums etc) with electronic music (hypnotic synths, binaural beats), nature sounds, ethnic music and mantras across cultures. It is a reflection of his journey starting as an underground club DJ in Melbourne to immersing in yogic journeys in India & Bali, and then realising the power of sound for therapy. 

In recent years he has curated soundscapes for yoga and meditation events, full & new moon sound healing journeys as well as conscious/ecstatic dance events. 

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